here is a pic of my comp and i. i thought you might have forgotten how i look. Yes, i know, i've gained a ton of weight. don't be hatin'
yo, i heard Benj is becoming a brat. nice. LET THE LEGACY LIVE ON! I thought it might have died out with me, but, yes, IT LIVES ON!
So, Dad, i heard this song (in English) and it was so stupid. I cant remember the words exactly, but i remember that the man said something about his friends and how cool they are because they have ladies... and they have babies (like kiddies) and i though, ughh, these poor guatemattecos, listening to music in english, and this is what they get. Then.. TEHN i found out that it was by george michael, and i couldn't stop laughing because i just thought of Arrested Developement. oh Dad, that show... i can't get over it still. GOB!
Okay, so we found some new investigadores this week. We put a new fecha with one of our old investigadores, but it turns out... we dont think he really is sincere. He seemed bien pilas when we found him, and now, im not sure, it seems like this is a game. I am not sure, but he still acts like he is into it all, but my comp and i see other intentions. He had some run ins with the law in the past, and we think maybe.. just maybe, he crosses his fingers when he testifys. im not sure, i really hope we're being insane, i hope he is sincere, but... dang it, i dont think so.
We started to teach an English class! Elder Corbin, Elder Romero, and I and teaching. Elder Corbin is from Cali (SO CAL!!!!!!!!) and Romero is from Honduras and speaks superb english. Well, we had our first class Saturday, and people showed up. This young kid (who is a Nuevo investigador) brought his little brothers and they're bien pilas. ALSO! We have movie nights here in la capilla every third sabado, and we invite people. Well, this one family we invited while we were contacting in the street, they ACTUALLY CAME! It was like... UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!
Hey, I found gluten free pasta last week, i dont rememebr it i told you. I feel super blessed. The gulten free pasta wasnt even super expensive, so i felt super happy!
We're seeing some miracles happen in our area, just a few tiny ones. Things are getting a little bit better.
okie dokie Dad. Elder Cook comes to the Capital this Wednesday! I am so pumped. tomorrow we have a metting with the entire mission! I am so excited, this doesnt happen much. We are all fasting, and we are all going to break our fast together, with pizza. Yes, i hope there is another food option, because thats just a huge gluten nightmare. Anyway, yeah, we'll see what happens. mi compa is super dedicated in making sure i get some yum yums, so if there isnt a gluten free option, 1) que mala onda 2) watch out for my Costa Rican compa, seriously, cuidado!
Well Dad, I love you. I miss you, and hey, family history is awesome. Ask questions a la Tia Mercedes, ella sabe mucho, y con tiempo, ella olvidara muchas cosas (lugares, fechas, nombres, historias, ect.).
Com mucho amor,
tu hija,
Hermana Ramirez
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Rudy Ramirez <ramirezr100@gmail.com> wrote:
Hola mi hija!How are you. I was at church yesterday and Sr. gfarner came up to me and said she had received your letter and she seemed very excited and told me to tell you that she will be writing to you soon.So how are you doing? health wise I hope everything is better, missionary wise I hope you are finding investigators.I need to thank you for the Temple work you did for grandma and grandpa Ramirez. The missionaries were over sat. to teach a lesson. They showed Ben and I a video on family and the temple and how our families are eternal thanks to temple ordinances. After that they asked me what I thought and I was overcome by such emotion, I couldn't speak. I will get to speak to my mom and dad and have the conversations I wish I would of had with them. They'll get to see Benjamin. I knew all of this but it really didn't sink in until I saw that video.One of the missionaries is like 3 weeks til he is done with his mission. He's really excited about returning home but is still focused his work.Charlotte is no longer working for jack, why I don't know. But I picked up her hours. I will give her a call to see if she needs anything. My day off has changed so it's tough getting out to do splits with the missionaries on Tuesday's. So I will have to make an effort to make it whenever possible.The patriots lost to Peyton manning and the Broncos, they limped all the way to the playoffs with so many injured people, I think it was the third stringers playing and they went this far. Anyway that is life. Brandon got a job at Staples hopefully he'll save his money, I think he's contemplating going to live with Aunt lisa for a while and then get his own place. But I need to pray for him so his skull hardens, and he can start acting like an adult. He is customer service and they will be training him to deal with people's computer problems.Alaina's lil girl is such a doll. They were the first Mormon family I saw in action. They really lived the Gospel. Mom passed my resume to her manager, because the regional manager is always looking for people to train as assist managers. So he told her to give him a call this week so we can set up an interview next week. So I'll be praying about it to see if that's what's in the future.I will let you go so you can read all your other emails and do what you need to do on Pday. I proud of you and what you are doing. I love you.Tu Papi!
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