"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) I'm just a 19yr old Latter-day Saint from New York, serving a mission in the Guatemala City South Mission. I will "invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end."
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Climb Every Mountain
Monday, July 21, 2014
things i learned as a child! no, fo reals?
Monday, July 14, 2014
it's not me, it's you... The Break Up
Monday, June 23, 2014
yep, the week
I came in and hermana watts hugged me, and they both just said how proud they are of me. they both started talking about things i have overcome and done in my mission, and some of the experiences, and they said "we are so proud of you!" they just said how much they love me, and how they would love for me to stop by and visit them when i get home. i said goodbye, and i just tried to joke around so that i wouldnt cry, so luckily enough, i didnt. i just felt so much love from them, and i will never forget them. after all of it, i couldnt help but think how it will feel when we return to Heavenly Father, and when we enter into his presence. will He say that He is proud of us? I sure hope so. I know He is proud of you Dad.
Monday, June 16, 2014
winds of change
Monday, June 9, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
it smells like... a cleanly spirit! actually, thats our new bathroom
Monday, May 5, 2014
ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, minerva is far awayyyy (MY AMERICAN COMP AND I)
Monday, April 28, 2014
ALMA 29:4! oh, and the priesthood session on repreat
the cemetary is in our area and we went there. Its soo pretty! my comp and i took pictures because the landscape it soo pretty! theres a cafeteria there, but i didnt want to eat there. al fresco? noooo.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
splashing around in some green water
Monday, April 7, 2014
Fruit snacks and fiber bars! conferencia general!!!!!
Wehad entrevistas Friday! It was great. President and Hermana Watts always bring oreos for us because President Watts says the oreos sold here are fake, not tha same. so they always bring boxes of oreaos, but unfortunately... oroes contiene gluten. lame right? so, darling hermana Watts brougth me fruit snacks, and these super chocolaty fiber bars. of my gosh, it was like a candy bar, so good. it was good that she gave me just one, because if i had a box, i would probably eat them all and thats not good because... they're fier bars. yep, so, it was a good thing.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Hermana Ramirez
Monday, March 24, 2014
Blessings, blessings, blessings for all!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Minerva is the bomb!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
New House, the Temple
Hermana Ramirez
Monday, March 3, 2014
yeah, it´s march
El milagro del Perdon... y fe! 24 de febrero
hey, this week was so sick!
Okay, thankfully, first off, i don't have a parasite. Yeah, Monday night, i felt like i had company... possibly a prasite, and Im happy to say, that NO! I didnt have a parasite! It was maybe just too many pupusas we made. I'm good now!
So we had the goal of finding 20new investigadoes this week. Let me just tell you that last week we found 2, the week before, 4, the week beofre 7, the week before that, 5. So 20 was a huge goal. Well, we found 14 nuevoes! I am so happy. I fulfilled a bunch of our other weekly goals. This area is tough, but with faith, Dad, we conquered!
Im reading el milagro del perdon, and it is AMAZING! okay, heres a part i relly like. Kimball says:
juzgo yo que cualquier hombre o mujer puede hacer mas para ponerse de conformidad con las leyes de Dios en un ano en esta vida, que lo que pudiera hacer en diez anos dspues de muerto. El espiritu solo puede arrepentirse y cambiar, y entonces tiene que efectuarse la batalla con la crne mas adelante. Es mucho mas facil vencer y servir al Senor cuando los dos, la carne asi como el espiritu, estan integrados en uno.
WOW! Thanks Spencer W. Kimball! this book is really awesome. If you haven't finished the Book of Mormon yet, FINISH IT! Then re read New Testament... and tehn read, The Miracle of Perdon.
Hey Dad, remember Gentlemen Broncos? Well, remember how it had the song Winds of Change in the movie and that part where they'e on reindeers in the street? Well, i was crossing the street and there was nobody aboutside, and it was hot, and dusty, and the wind was blowing. Well, everything looked brown and boring, and this guy started playing the song winds of change, and they were so serious (like they could even understand the song), and I just couldnt help but laugh. I love that lame movie so much. anyway, i looked around in slow motion kind of like Benji in the mocve. I know, im a nerd, i just couldnt help but think of you, Brandon, Grant, and the Tousleys. That movie is tan chistoso.
anyway, heres a pic of the mountin side and the view of the capital. Its not a good pic of the whole capital, but the lady with the wood on her back just makes it puro chapin!
heres a pic of my comp and i when we had to wait in a bus for like an hour in the blazing hot sun. the thing here is that EVERYONE is late in guatemala, sorry... fashionably late (con ropa tipica) we were really tired
Anyway, i love you Dad!
Keep going!
Hermana Ramramramirez!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Fwd: Hermanita A, Valentines Day, and Baptisms... that weren't from our area
Monday, February 10, 2014
cambios, aladdin, y una investigadore de oro
We had changes, and my comp left. my little tica, Hermana Gomez
se fue. she was super sad to leave porque esta area fue su primera
area. the changes meeting was cool i guess, i got my pants. Okay, Dad,
the material around here, that is tipica, like puro guatemaltco, is so
beautiful. Well, these pants are like aladdin pants, and so comfy. i tried
to take a pic in these pants, but, it didnt come out how i
wanted it. also, this comp doesnt send pictures. yes, i feel robbed of
my Q5.
We have this awesome new investigador, lets call her Hermanita A.
She works in a tienda near the capilla, and is bien pilas. she has
read everything we have left her. We have been meeting with her for a
week, and so far she read all the folletos, and from the introduction of
the book of mormon all the way to 1 nefi 8. she wants to be baptized,
and we put her fecha for 15 de march. we are so excited; she works
every other sunday, so we put the date far ahead. People like her make
me feel so happy, just me da mucho alegria. From all the times we get
rejected, especially in this area, she just makes it so much better to
know there are people out there that want to be better and give their
lives to Christ. We have been getting rejected so much these past few
weeks. i usually dont take it too hard, its normal, but this past
week, people are just rude and mean to the point where its as if they
just really want to hit you deep. ouch, but hey, thats the name of the
game right¡? just some pretty good memories!
Our inactive sister that we are helping come back to church,
she had an interview with the Bishop and is going to receive her
Patriarchal blessing!!!! I am so pumped! She is the bomb. We can call
her Hermana T. Hermana T is so awesome, she wants to serve a mission
now. I love her so much, she has really touched my heart.
I thought of you and the fam dad, because my old comp hna.gomez
and i found a korean man who sells fruit en monserrat. Well, my comp said i should go speak mandarin to him, but she doesnt understand that korea and
china are different paises with different languages. so, i talked to him in spanish, and well, i am so grateful that i watched all that arrested developement. i
remembered how to say hello in korean! i dont know how to spell it,
but it sounds like ahnyong. I pass him now and shout it, and we're buds.
thanks arrested developement!
People here love chicken salad, and well, i cant help but think
of that movie with jason schwartzman, and ... oh man, whats his name,
the blond english actor. dang, anyway, i just laugh a bit when people
offer me chicken salad. Ask brandon about this movie, he'll know. ask
him, he gets it. the bonnet... oh man.
Our ward mission leader had his birthday party Saturday, and naturally, fuimos. Well, Hno.David is so awesome and has this little girl of about 4 or 5 yrs. well, we had a pinata, and all of us misisonaries dived for the dulces, and i found these dulces to the side so i picked them up, and she said "thats mine!" well, I said "well, then why are they in my hands...?" and she lost it. it was so funny, she just screamed so loud, and i gave her her candy back. she threw it all on the ground, and got a bag, and took all of our dulces. all of us missionaries just watched her in silence take all our candy. it was pretty disturbing. she pushed them into a pile on the floor and picked hem up, one by one, nd put them in the bag. it was terrible... que es este dolor?
Monday, January 27, 2014
Re: Finally
Si por fin!
It was announced yesterday that the Temple Prep class is scheduled to start Feb 9th. And it's being taught by none other than John and Christy Tousley. Im so psyched. After sacrament Br. Riachart extended the me the invitation and I said Of Course!So that mi hija is the most important part of my week. It was great reading your letter we received it Tuesday. Our missionaries are winding down their tours at least the Elders are the Srs. I think just started. The sisters are so sweet.I have an interview with CVS for the assistant manager training program this Friday. Mom is all jazzed up because she ran into Frauline Kim Eichner. Who told her retirees can move into Stuart Terrace. @2000 a month they cover water and electricity all we need is our washer and dryer. I need to see how the CVS thing is going to work out, we would rate a 3br. so when you come back, (woo hoo) until you get sick and tired of us. Your brother is thinking of moving to Kaleefornia with Amanda. He is working at Staples and is doing Computer Base Training (CBT) on computers. So hopefully he will stick to this and his skull will harden. Tu tia Lisa le dijo se puede quedar con ella hasta que encuentre trabajo y hogar. I don't think he realizes what it takes to survive, hopefully he won't learn the hard way. I think next time I go to the gym I will take a selfie and send it to you, so you can see "I WORK OUT"! I have that song in my head!So that's it short and sweet I know you have other things to do, and people to write to and hopefully relax. You guys don't get to sleep in on Pdays? I love you and miss you.Tu Papi!